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Statement of Environmental Effects

Every Development Application in NSW needs to provide a statement of environmental effects. This statement includes a comprehensive assessment of the development against the relevant State and Local Planning provisions.

Clause 4.6 Request to Vary Development Standards

A Development Standard relates to controls that sit within each Council’s Local Environmental Plan. Clause 4.6 is the mechanism to be able to vary the development standard. It is a detailed and technical document that provides justification for the non-compliance. BBF Planners can prepare a clause 4.6 request on your behalf.

Planning Panels

Every Development applications can be referred to various levels of Planning Panels that exist within the NSW Planning System. BBF Planners is highly experienced with addressing Panels at all levels should it be required with your development application.

Expert Advice – Land & Environment Courts

BBF Planners, in particular Greg Boston and Michael Haynes, have extensive experience acting as planning experts representing their clients in the Land and Environmental Court. BBF is experienced with class 1 & 4 appeals, preparing independent and joint reports and providing expert evidence at both Section 34 conciliation conferences and hearings.

Pre-Purchase Advice

If you are unsure about the development potential of a property we can provide some insight with regard to the planning legislation. Every site can be a bit different and come with their own opportunities and constraints. BBF Planners can provide you with a report detailing the development potential of your site based on the applicable planning controls, environmental constraints and identify key risk areas.

Building Information Certificates

A building information certificate is the pathway to address un-authorised works. If you have received a Notice of Intent to Issue a Development Control Order or a Development Control Order we can assist with a Building Information Certificate Application.

Submissions to Development Applications

Have you been notified of a Development Application and have concerns about how that will impacts on your home or business? BBF Planners can review the development application against the planning controls and prepare a submission on your behalf. A submission is usually the only opportunity to influence the application to your benefit as there is very little opportunity to challenge a consent as a third party objector.